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Energize Your Essence
February Retreat 2024

February 9-11, 2024
Vail, Colorado

Are you sensing a disconnection from your true purpose?


Can you hear a whispering void within that yearns to be filled with purposeful radiance?


Our retreat unfolds like an ancient tale of empowerment.


Imagine a sanctuary nestled within the tranquil embrace of nature, where your journey of self-discovery unfolds amidst the majestic Rocky Mountains.


The iconic Vail Dome is an emblem of transformation and renewal.

When women come together, an invisible current of understanding weaves through the spaces between them. A mere glance communicates volumes, a smile holds the secrets of a lifetime. In the embrace of sisterhood, vulnerability blossoms, and the weight of burdens becomes a shared tapestry of strength.

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Guided by the skilled lens of our intuitive photographer, every glance and every angle captured by the camera becomes a mirror to your essence. Through her lens, you will transcend the boundaries of mere photographs. Witness yourself as the embodiment of strength, grace, and untamed beauty. These new headshots will be a testament to your inner luminosity, a radiant token of your metamorphosis.

As a single flame may flicker, a multitude of flames create a bonfire of transformation. When women gather, dreams are nurtured, confidence is ignited, and ambitions are fanned into roaring fires of manifestation. Each woman's brilliance fans the flames of another, creating a tapestry of collective empowerment.


Beloved seeker, your presence is awaited at the sacred circle. Feel the magnetism drawing you towards this enchanting sisterhood, a haven where masks can be cast aside, and your essence is met with acceptance and celebration.


Unite with fellow women, and let your voice be hea​rd, your story resonate, and your spirit flourish.

In this circle, you are not alone; you are held, cherished, and lifted higher.


The symphony of your laughter, tears, hopes, and fears becomes an ode to the strength of the feminine spirit.

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